Demonstrate ability to sing "Happy Birthday" in tune without accompaniment
Demonstrate ability to repeat short melodic patterns after they are sung or played on the piano
Demonstrate ability to differentiate between given two pitches by singing the higher or lower one of the two
Demonstrate vocal range
Singer must be age 9 by September 1st
Maintain an assigned part successfully while singing a round (canon) with another person.
Rehearsals for singers entering grades 4 - 8 in the coming school year will be held at the First Presbyterian Church. The regularly scheduled rehearsals are on Mondays from 4:45 - 6:15 pm from late August to early May.
The purpose of the Kansas Youth Chorale is to expand the experiences of young singers in musical excellence and to be united in the common goal of bringing joy to others through music. View the handbook below for information on concert attire and attendance requirements. Scholarships are available to those who qualify.