The Kansas Youth Chorale (KYC) was founded in 2009. The first auditions were held in June of 2010 with the purpose of expanding the experiences of young singers in musical excellence and to be united in the common goal of bringing joy to others through music.
Since the founding, the children of KYC have had the pleasure of singing with the Topeka Symphony-2015 and The Topeka Festival Singers-2012. We were honored to be selected to sing at the 2013 Kansas Music Educators Conference in Wichita. Other performances include: * Featured vocal group with the Topeka Youth Symphony Ensemble (March 2011) * Mini-concert at Ballet Midwest's 35th Anniversary of "The Nutcracker" (Dec. 2011) * Sang for the Greater Topeka Chamber of Commerce Power Breakfast at the Topeka/Shawnee County Public Library (Dec. 2011) * PEO Founder's Day Luncheon (March 2012) * Stormont-Vail Hospital Volunteer Luncheon (Nov.r 2012) * Sang for Kansas Association of Counties at the Topeka Expocentre (Nov. 2012) * Joined the Singing Quakers from Friends University (March 2013) * Junior League Merry Market (Nov. 2013) * Sang for the Kansas Service League Breakfast (Sept. 2014) * Full Concert for the Osage City Arts Council (Dec. 2014) * Topeka Community Concert Association (opened for them April 2015) * Opened the Topeka West Vocal Music Concert (May 2015) * Kansas Children's Choir Festival, "ChorAll Kansas" in KC (Jan. 2016-2020) * Schlitterbahn Sound Waves Music Festival Top Prize Trophy (May 2014, 2015, and 2016) * Lake Shawnee Tulip Time Festival (April 2016 & 2018) * Kansas Book Fair (2012 and 2016) * Sang the national anthem at Topeka Pilot’s hockey game * Kansas Children’s Discovery Center (Nov. 2019) * Kansas Convention of Methodist Churches (May 2019) * Zoo Lights (2021 and 2022) * NOTO Holiday Festival (Dec. 2022)
Auditions for singers in grades four through eight in Topeka and surrounding communities take place each summer. Annual tuition is required, but scholarship opportunities are available. The approximately 30 member choir represent over 20 area schools. Rehearsals are held each Monday during the school year from 4:45pm to 6:15pm. Two major concerts are held each year. There are several opportunities for additional community performances and KYC is happy to share the joy of music.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Josh Yoho, President Lisa Oyerly, Treasurer Nancy Gann, Recording Secretary LeRoy Dagg Natalie Moreland Mary Noll Joan Pease Martha Thomas Kayla Traver Sandra Willetts Tracey Goering -- Member at Large Pam Kellim -- Member at Large STAFF Connie Baer, Choir Manager Kay Siebert, Director Donald Livingston, Accompanist
The Topeka Community Foundation, The Downtown Kiwanis Club, ArtsConnect of Topeka and Capital Federal Savings have generously awarded grants to KYC. Thank you to these supportive organizations!